Yale Sustainable Food Program


Thalsa-Thiziri Mekaouche, B.A.


Major and Concentration: 
Global Affairs (Concentration: Human Rights Program)

Current Position:
Global Food Fellow


A little bit about Thalsa:
Thalsa is a Franco-Algerian student in Branford College (most beautiful courtyard!). She grew up in Marseille, a wonderful cosmopolitan city in the south of France. She loves everything related to the Mediterranean, its history, its people, its food… She is currently on a gap year in Jordan, where she interns with EcoPeace Middle East, an environmental NGO that approaches peace-building through the lens of climate change. Thalsa is deeply interested in how the climate crisis can create avenues for cooperation and grassroots responses to global challenges. She is hopeful that collaboration and the empowerment of local actors across the Mediterranean can help save its biodiversity and its unique cultures.