Yale Sustainable Food Program


Janice Huh, B.A.


Major and Concentration: 
Environmental Studies

Current Position:
Culinary Events Manager


Meet Janice Huh ’24!
Hailing all the way from Korea, Janice has been deeply passionate about food and agriculture ever since she moved to a beautiful island called Jeju. Throughout her years in Jeju working with the local farmers and women sea-divers, she developed her love for nature. Cooking and baking have always been Janice’s therapy! Through YSFP, she wants to offer her community the time to both recollect and create the fondest food memories around the table. She is also thrilled to encourage her community to become more food literate using YSFP-made pizzas as a medium. She loves how food brings people together and is beyond excited to be sharing pizzas with her friends at Yale!