Yale Sustainable Food Program


Calista Washburn, B.A.


Ethics, Politics, and Economics

Current position:
Lazarus Summer Intern


More about Calista:
Calista is a senior in Yale College hailing from New York City. She is majoring in Ethics, Politics, and Economics with a concentration in Environmental Ethics and a certificate in Energy Studies. Calista is passionate about developing food systems that improve our resilience to climate change and environmental degradation while also producing delicious food. After spending several years volunteering at Friday workdays—and falling in love with the Farm and its community—she is thrilled to join the Farm team as a LSI intern and a Farm Manager. Her summer research project involved harvesting wild clay from the Yale Farm soil as part of an investigation into the role of ceramics in traditional irrigation practices. In her spare time, she can often be found making pots in the Murray Pottery Studio, baking sourdough bread, and woodcarving. Calista’s favorite crops at the Yale Farm are the grains: wheat (especially the historical varieties) and rye!